在中国怎么替换美国IP。我要用个软件。-ZOL问答:在中国无法更换美国IP。没有该软件。1、用任何软件都无法把国内的ip改成国外的。2、Internet是由几千万台计算机互相连接而成的。而要确认网络上的每一台计算机,靠的就是能唯一标识该计算机的网络地址,这个地址就叫做IP(Internet Protocol的简写)地址,即用Internet协议语言表示的地址。
A clinical stage medical dermatology company that leverages its extensive knowledge of proteomics, genetic engineering and the skin microbiome to create and develop novel products for the treatment of skin conditions and diseases.
The Company’s technology platform offers multiple product opportunities in three areas: (1) direct application of commensal bacteria; (2) pharmaceuticals based on the delivery of biotherapeutic proteins to the skin via proprietary bacteria strains; and (3) discovery and development of novel bioactive compounds — e.g., antimicrobials and other therapeutics based on the metabolic products of commensal skin bacteria. Azitra’s lead programs are focused on cancer therapy-associated rashes (CTAR), orphan skin diseases including Netherton syndrome, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and ichthyosis vulgaris.
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Azitra is focused on making safe, effective, and easy-to-use medical dermatology products. The Company’s product pipeline includes four LBP product candidates in development, including one in the clinic for cancer therapy-associated rashes.
Azitra has changed all product name designations from "AZT" to "ATR".